Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7A Marquis’ Taylor
Oct 20, 2008

Document 1
1. Two early computers know as, the Abacus and the analytical engine that which where very much different. Like the Abacus was made for adding and was made of stings and beads. The analytical engine was a large machine that used punch cards to remember data and instructions.

Document 2

1. In WW II, the Allies need a better way to calculate the path of missiles so that they could be more accurate, as a result large computers were made.
2. I think that computers wouldn’t have been invented if not for the world wars, because of the other computers other than the Colossuss 1 they were all made during the WW II and if the world never happened computers would never had happened.

Document 3

1. The first computers were so heavy and large because of the vacuum tubes took up so much room and was also heavy. It had also weight 30 tons and contained 19,000 glass tubes.

Document 4

1. IBM was able to dominate the compute field for so long, because of 360 family systems that was easy for companies to buy a small machine. When a company became larger, transfer its data to the newt larger size system 360 without having to rewrite the code. Also, these series of computers and the concept of a series of next step larger machines were revolutionary and made IBM become dominate for many years.

Document 5

1. IBM PC became the dominate PC, because when it became small enough for a house it was introduced to the public. Also because of the IBM name that was so famous.

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